Village Facilities Planning

Thursday, January 19, 2017 Special Village Board Meeting

Site plan samples from MSI

2016 Village Board Meeting - Monday, December 19, 2016

After meeting in closed session the Village Board made the following motion:

MOTION:(Piefer, Arenz) to table items 6, 8, 9, 10 until January 5, 2017 meeting for the sake that we can explore alternate sites in addition to current park site. Carried.

6.  Discussion and action on MSI General preliminary plans and budget for new village hall and public works buildings at the Summit Village Park property, 37505 Genesee Lake Road.

8.  Discussion and action with MSI General to proceed with final construction drawings and bid documents for new village hall and public works buildings at the Summit Village Park property, 37505 Genesee Lake Road

9.  Discussion and action on proposal from S.E.H. for civil engineering assistance with final construction drawings and bid documents for new village hall and public works buildingsat the Summit Village Park property, 37505 Genesee Lake Road

10.  Discussion and action on authorization to apply to the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands, State of Wisconsin, for a Municipal General Obligation Loan in the amount not to exceed $5,750,000 with a 5 year term for the purpose of financing the construction of new village hall and public works buildingsat the Summit Village Park property, 37505 Genesee Lake Road

Open House - Thursday, November 3, 2016

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM with short presentation by MSI at 6:15 pm

View presentation given by MSI at the October 17, 2016 Village Board Meeting

View Plans provided by MSI at the October 17, 2016 Village Board Meeting

Presentation Given by MSI at August 16, 2016 Meeting

The Village Board viewed the following along with a presentation by MSI. Minutes can be found on the Village Board page.

August 16, 2016 MSI Presentation

Actions Taken at the November 5, 2015 Village Board Meeting:
  • voted to establish a construction budget of $4 million for plans and construction of Village Hall, Police Department and Public Works facilities, including $1,238,000 of monies previously collected in the Facilities Improvement Fund
  • to execute an agreement with MSI for architects for the new village hall and public works facility
  •  to execute an agreement with MSI for construction management contract for Village Hall and public works facility
  • to appoint Henry Elling, Village Administrator and Jack Riley, Board Member as the Village representatives for the design and construction management agreements with MSI General
  • to appoint a project design team to work with MSI General on the Village Facilities project. The team will include Scott Piefer, Sue Moran, Village Administrator, Village Clerk, Chief of Police and Highway Lead Person.
  • to let Summit Village Commons know that the Village is not interested in Lots 5 & 6 anymoreHome » Lake Country News » Oconomowoc Focus

Summit village hall to be improved with $4 million committment

By Bill Kurtz
Nov. 11, 2015 3:25 p.m.

Summit — The village board voted Nov. 5 to set aside $4 million to expand and renovate the village hall and approved design and construction management contracts for the project with MSI General.

By doing so, the board set aside the alternative of acquiring vacant land at Highway 67 and Delafield Road and building a new structure.

"It's not like this just came up," said village President Jack Riley. "We've been working on this for many years. Spending $4 million is not an easy decision. That's why this decision took so long."

Riley estimated the cost of land acquisition and constructing a new building at $5.5 million.

Very frugal

"We look at all every penny, every dollar we spend," he said, calling the board "very frugal."

Trustee Sue Moran said the village has been pondering the issue for seven or eight years.

"We looked at all options, (seeking) to be the most responsible fiscally," she said.

The present village hall was built in 1954, with additions in 1968 and 1985 that were mainly used by the Fire Department. A 2014 study set the village's space needs at 28,767 square feet, more than twice the 14,066 square feet in the present building.

Old and drafty

"There's a lot of space in there that's unusable," Riley said, referring to space formerly used by the Fire Department. "It's an old, drafty building that needs a lot of work."

The president listed the Police Department as possibly the top area to be improved.

"Our current Police Department is a one-car garage that was converted to office space," he said, citing an interview room, a secure-detention area and space for evidence storage and more office space as the top needs. He said the village has nine full-time officers and at least as many part-time officers.

Ryan said a new roof is needed, the heating system needs to be repaired, handicapped access must be improved and the village's staff needs more room.

Table in hall

"Our zoning administrator sets up a table in the main hall twice a week," the president said. "There's no meeting room for him."

Planning and design work will start early next year, Ryan said, adding that when construction begins could depend on how state legislation exempting local government construction projects from the state's prevailing wage law will affect construction bids. The law takes effect in 2017.

"Is it going to save us money to wait or will inflation be more" than any savings, he wondered.

Ryan invited residents to visit the village hall to see the space needs study for themselves.

"It's now our responsibility to fine tune the (addition size) based on needs, not necessarily wants, for each of our departments," Moran said.

Actions taken at the October 1, 2015 Village Board Meeting:
  • voted to close the space needs study contract with Bray Architects
  • no decision was made on Village Hall construction budget
  • Trustees Moran and Arenz volunteered to work with Administrator Elling to develop a design contract and a construction management contract with MSI General to be considered at a future date
  • no decision was made on proceeding with offer to purchase Lot 5 and Lot 6 of Summit Village Commons
Open House and Tour of Village Buildings - June 1, 2015 6 PM - 8 PM

Thank you to all who attended!

*the Village is sending a postcard invite to property owners the week of May 18th

Results of the study were provided in September 2014 and can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Village Facilities Plan 2014


On March 6, 2014 the Village Board entered into an agreement with Bray Associates Architects, Inc. to provide architectural and engineering services to assist the Village of Summit in determining options for improvements to the Village Hall and Police Department joint building and Highway Maintenance Shop, all located on the same property. The Architect shall work with Village Board and Village Staff to review the 2008 Facilities Study, gather additional background and update the deficiencies of the current building. The Architect will use information gathered to develop options to remediate the deficiencies. These options will be brought together in a plan titled "Village Facilities Plan 2014". The plan, once drafted will be reviewed by Village staff and the Village Board at a formal work session for comment, and final approval by the Village Board. 

The Plan will include:

  • Updated list of deficiencies identified
  • Options to remediate the deficiencies identified
  • Recommendations to implement the options
  • Estimated costs to implement the options

A Master Study Group has been formed and includes: representatives from Bray, Village Administrator Henry Elling, Village Trustee Kraig Arenz, Sr., Police Chief Michael Hartert, DPW Lead Person Bill Miller, Village Clerk Debbie Michael and Village Treasurer Renee Pearson. The following schedule has been set and the group meets at 2 pm at Summit Village Hall, unless noted otherwise.

Master Study Schedule
Date Objective
May 29 Facility needs program, existing site analysis and preliminary option inventory
June 12 Walk throughs with staff - Village Hall, Police Department, DPW
June 19 Adjacency diagramming, preliminary option analysis, enginner walkthrough
July 10 Engineer report summaries, review option analysis
July 31 Reveiw option analysis and cost estimates
August 21 Review draft document
September 4 Presentation of Final Study Document **at VB meeting 6:30 p.m.
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