The Village of summit is comprised of 4 main utility districts. typically surrounding larger lakes in the area.
- Utility District #2 - Service area around Nashota and Nemahbin Lakes
- Silver Lake Utility District - Service area around Silver Lake
- Utility District #3 - The only district that is water and sewer not around a lake
- Gensee Lake Utility District - Around Genesee Lakes
The remainder of the Village is service by private well and septic.
If you have questions about any of the Utility districts please e mail
Summit Utility District #2
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
The Summit Utility District #2 was formed as the Summit Sanitary District #1 in 1998. The District owns and operates a sanitary sewer collection system built in 2001. Effluent from the system flows to the Delafield/Hartland Wastewater Treatment plan in Delafield for treatment. The service area is mainly around the Upper and Lower Nemahbin and Lower Nashotah Lakes area in the Eastern portion of the Village.
Silver Lake Utility District
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month quarterly at 6:20 p.m.
The Silver Lake Utility District has operated since January 2006. The City of Oconomowoc owns, operates and maintains the facilities under a sewer service agreement with the Village of Summit. The service area is mainly around Silver Lake.

Genesee Lakes Utility District
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of month quarterly at 6:15 p.m.
DNR Chapter 30 Permit Approval with Conditions - August 3, 2010
Yaggy Colby Newsletter - December 2011, Genesee Lakes Outlet Project Article
October 2012 Special Assessment Information:
Cover Letter
Engineer Report and Schedule B
District Map Schedule A
Assessment Roll Schedule C