Street Name Sign Design Survey

The Village of Summit is updating the look of our street name signs!  We need our residents’ help choosing a new design.  We have put together some FAQs to answer your questions below.  Don’t forget to vote in-person at Village Hall or on our online poll by Sunday, November 21st!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q:  Why are you updating the street name signs?

A:  For the past several years, the Village has ordered two single-sided signs for each street name that are placed back to back around a special bracket and pinned together on each end.  To reduce costs, we will begin ordering single signs that are printed on each side.  Since we are changing the type of signs that we are ordering, we believe that this is an opportunity to update the look of the signs and incorporate the Village logo for more aesthetic appeal.  We are currently looking at two options:  Village Logo on GREEN background or Village Logo on WHITE background.


Q:  Will there be extra cost associated with the new sign designs?

A:  The overall cost of each street name sign assembly will decrease since we are opting to order single, dual-sided signs instead of two, single-sided signs that are pinned together.  The additional cost for the printing of the Village logo is nominal – sign printing technology allows for easy screen printing of high quality images at no additional cost.  The only increased cost will be for additional metal (i.e. the sign length will increase by a few inches to include the logo).    

Q:  What is your plan to replace all of the street name signs in the Village?

A:  The Village will not replace all of the existing street name signs at one time.  We will begin replacing those that are faded/damaged as needed, and signs along roads that are resurfaced/reconstructed will be replaced as part of our annual sign replacement program.  Any new streets or signs added in the Village will have the new design.

Q:  Can I see a real sample of the proposed sign designs before I vote on my favorite?

A:  Absolutely!  A full-sized, retroreflective sample sign has been printed with one design on each side of the sign for you to view at Village Hall.  The sign is located in the lobby just inside the main entrance on Delafield Rd.

Q:  How do I vote?

A:  There are two ways that Village residents may vote:

  1. Visit Village Hall at 37100 Delafield Rd, Summit, WI  53066 to cast your vote in person in the lobby. 
  2. Vote at the following online poll:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/86LXVG9.

Any questions regarding the street name sign updates may be directed to Kamron Nash, Director of Public Works, at (262) 567-2757 or pwdirector@summitvillage.org