Town Officially Becomes Village of Summit on July 29, 2010

See Press Release by clicking here.
Next Steps in Village Status
The Waukesha County Clerk of Courts will certify to the Secretary of State the referendum results and request issuance of certificate of incorporation. We anticipate receiving the Certificate of Incorporation on July 29, 2010 which will officially make the Town a Village.
An election for the first Village Board will take place on September 14, 2010.
Referendum Election Results
For a Village - 483 Votes
Against a Village - 85 Votes
14.6% Voter Turnout
Thanks for Voting on June 15!
Upcoming Referendum on Village Incorporation Mailing
On or around May 12, 2010, a mailing is being sent to Town property owners or residents with Questions and Answers about the June 15, 2010 Incorporation Referendum. Information is also including on an upcoming public informational meeting to be held between 6 and 8 pm on Monday, May 24, 2010 at the Summit Town Hall.
Click here to view a copy of the documents
Order for Incorporation Referendum - Waukesha County Circuit Court
Click here to view a copy of the Court Order
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Approves Incorporation Petition!
The Town of Summit received word on Monday, March 29, 2010 that the Incorporation Review Board determined the petition meets the required standards in s. 66.0207 Wis. Stats.
Read the letter here: WI DOA LETTER
Read the Findings and Determination of the Incorporation Review Board
Notice of Referendum - Town of Summit - Waukesha County
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election to be held in the Town of Summit, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on June 15, 2010, pursuant to the Waukesha County Court's order dated April 12, 2010, in case 08 CV 3145, In the Mater of the Incorporation of the Town of Summit, the following proposed question will be submitted to a vote of the people, appearing on the ballot as follows:
Should the Town of Summit be incorporated as a village to be known as the Village of Summit?
Voting "For a Village" means you want the Town of Summit to become a Village.
Voting "Against a Village" means you want the Town of Summit to remain a Town.
Debra J Schueler, WCMC
Town Clerk